Lois Tupyi is the author of Redemptive Compassion, The Wagon Principle, Compassion with Redemptive Power and Selah: Pause and Consider. She has dedicated over twenty-three years trying to better understand the biblical call to wholistic help and educate others through her years of hands-on experience. Her passion is to see everyone move into the fullness of life God has offered to all by helping in ways that lift people out of need, rather than sustaining them in their need.

She served as Executive Director of Love in the Name of Christ of Treasure Valley for 23 years before stepping down to further her efforts with Redemptive Compassion. She is available to train and educate audiences across the country on how to offer a hand-up, not just a hand-out.

Lois is an Idaho native and she and her husband currently reside on a small Hereford ranch in southern Idaho where they enjoy the rural lifestyle. They have three adult children, fourteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren.