Compassion with Redemptive Power. If we do not understand how God loves us, how can we expect to emulate His love to others? Our culture is consumed with offering compassion that lacks redemptive power. For decades help has been focused on relief rather than recovery, propagating lifestyles of need, rather than providing a way out of need. This book explores how to offer redemptive love in an effort to redeem or restore people to the fullness of life they may have lost through choices, sin or life difficulties.
Unit Price: $15 (1-24 copies) plus shipping and handling
Bulk Rate $12 (25+ copies) plus shipping and handling
51 copies or more - ORDER ONLINE. Email:
Compassion with Redemptive Power Toolkit is as a 12-week Study. It explores how God loves us and will help facilitate healthy conversations about wholistic help and how the principles taught can be applied. The Toolkit includes:
One copy of the book Compassion with Redemptive Power.
A detailed Leader’s Guide providing weekly structure, group discussion questions and case stories to discuss relative to the teaching.
A thumb drive with the weekly training videos and student handouts.
Class participants will need a copy of the Compassion with Redemptive Power Book.
Toolkit cost is $75 plus shipping and handling
The Redemptive Compassion Toolkit is an 8-week study. It is designed to be used in small group settings, helping facilitate discussion on how to offer wholistic help. The Toolkit includes:
One copy of the Redemptive Compassion Study Guide.
A detailed Leader’s Guide with class structure for each week, insights from the author, and group discussion questions.
A thumb drive containing short video segments recorded from a classroom presentation and student pdf handouts.
All class participants will need a copy of the Redemptive Compassion Study Guide Book.
Total Cost is $50 plus shipping and handling
Redemptive Compassion is a biblical exploration of how God has called us to wholistically love and serve our neighbors in need. Thirty different concepts challenge common helping practices. Included in the study is The Wagon Principle comparing the four wheels of a wagon to the four main areas of life: spiritual, emotional, relational and physical/material. This book is a great resource to help us change how we address need, as we learn how to build resources within people, not just give resources to people.
Unit Price: $15 (1-24 copies) plus shipping and handling
Bulk Rate $10 (25+ copies) plus shipping and handling
51 copies or more - ORDER ONLINE. Email:
Selah, Pause and Consider is a beautiful collection of 366 devotions which will challenge and inspire readers through the seasons with Scripture, photographs, hymns, and personal stories. It is perfect as a gift for a loved one at Christmas or year-round.
Price per book $12.00 + shipping and handling
51 copies or more - ORDER ONLINE. Email: